入冬前必讀:讓您的家為寒冷季節做好準備 |Ontario's Winter Checklist: Prepping Your Home for the Cold


Winter in Ontario can be unforgiving, but a well-prepared home can provide a cozy retreat from the cold. Here are five essential steps to ensure your abode is ready to face the icy onslaught.

1. 煙霧感應器與一氧化碳探測器


1. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Safety comes first. Ensure your detectors are functioning properly to safeguard against potential fire and carbon monoxide hazards, especially with the increased use of heating systems during winter.

2. 鏟雪工具和防滑用品


2. Prepare for Snow Removal

Ontario’s snowfall is no joke. Have your snow blowers, shovels, and other snow removal equipment ready, along with materials like salt or sand to manage ice.

3. 房屋排水系統


3. Gutter Extensions

Direct water away from the foundation with gutter extensions to prevent potential water damage as snow melts and spring rains arrive.

4. 應急物資準備


4. Emergency Preparedness

Winter storms can be unpredictable. Keep a stock of essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, medicines, and blankets to stay prepared for unexpected severe weather.

5. 保持通風口暢通


5. Keep Vents Clear

Ensure all vents, both indoors and outdoors, are clear from snow and ice to allow proper ventilation and prevent carbon monoxide accumulation, promoting a safe indoor environment.

6. 排空室外管道


6. Drain the pipes

Drain water from outdoor pipes, sprinklers, and hoses to prevent them from freezing and bursting. Disconnect hoses, shut off exterior water sources, and empty your sprinkler system before the first frost to avoid costly repairs.


These essential steps will help ensure your home is well-prepared for the Ontario winter, promoting both safety and comfort during the chilliest months of the year. So, gear up and get your home winter-ready!